Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Hello everyone!

It's almost July 4th, amazing how time flies when you get older! Happy July 4th a few days earlier! Today I am going to explain how to edit photos or images that are embedded in a PDF.

I know you are not supposed to be able to change anything in a pdf, but sometimes you can and sometimes you have no choice in pre-press but to work around what you have been given by a customer. So desperate measures have to be taken, so if you have Acrobat 8 professional, or version 7, and I think this will even work in 6 on a Macintosh.

Open your PDF in Acrobat: At the top click on the TOOLS tab: scroll down to ADVANCED EDITING: Choose TOUCH UP OBJECT TOOL at the bottom.

Next hold down the Apple key (Command key) and the Option key at the same time and double click the object, link, or photo you would like to modify. This will take the image to photoshop or illustrator which ever program it was originally created. You can edit your image and just save.

When you save the image it will automatically put the edited image back into the pdf document. Then you can re-save the pdf. It is a great tool if it works with the pdf sent.

This is not always possible it just depends on the pdf, how it was saved, etc.
Try it out sometime, it is a really awesome tool, I use it often.

Have a Happy and Safe July 4th!

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