Thursday, June 25, 2009


Today I would like to talk about photoshop files. I frequently get indesign files with PSD files (links) in them. The problem with leaving the file as a photoshop document (PSD) is when we run it through the rip sometimes it will error out. It could be because of the different layers in the PSD file.

The best thing to do would be to save your photos as an eps file or tif file, you will have to flatten it first. That way when you place it in the Indesign file it will not be as large in file size as the PSD file. Then you can ensure you have the correct look to the photo. You may have a mask or transparency in the photo and when you flatten the image it may look a little different than it did before you flatten it.

This will save on time and money that is spent in the prepress department of the print shop. Most printers have a rip that will not accept PSD file, so therefore the prepress department has to spend more time on the job by opening each PSD file, flattening it, and re-saving as an eps or tif to re-link in the links palette in Indesign.

Also make sure all photos are in CMYK format, if it is in RGB, it can appear a different color than the CMYK photos. If you have black and white pictures, be sure to save them in grayscale so it does not separate into 4 colors or 4 plates when it should only be 1 color or 1 plate.

Hope this helps with saving your photos and links before placing in your design program!

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