Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tips for Compressing Files to Send to Printer

There are many ways to compress files but if you want to keep everything high resolution, here are a few tips on how to do that.

If you have a file that is too big to email to the printer, the best way would be to stuffit or zip the files all into one folder. If you use Mac OS X, after you finish working with your files and have packaged all the links, fonts, and the document: follow the steps below.

  • Click on the folder 1 time to highlight it.
  • Click the File tab at the top of your desktop
  • Scroll down the drop down menu to select create archive
  • Now this will create a Zipped file on your desktop of the folder
Now you will be able to email the file with no problems.

If you have Stuff It (program) you can drag your folder to the drop stuff and it will give you 3 choices for compressing the folder:
  • Zip
  • Stuffit
  • Tar
Once you drag your folder into the drop stuff window, after you select what format you would like to use, it will automatically create that type of file on your desktop similar to the zipped file I just discussed. I regularly use the zip and stuffit choices which is the fastest way and the most compatible way. It seems to work well with fonts and links. Hope this helps the next time you need to reduce the folder size or reduce the size of a file you are sending to the printer.

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