Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Solution to the PDF problem

Hello Everyone!

Last week I wrote about a pdf problem I was having when it was sent to the Xerox Digital Press. The images were dropping out when it was printed. Well when I re-saved the pdf and looked at the preview of it on the Xerox, it looked great. I thought ok, problem solved.

Well that was not the case, when our pressman ran a proof again the images dropped out. When he came to me, I was shocked and went to look at the preview again and it was fine. We then realized the minute he imposed it the images disappeared.

We have seen this before but didn't realize it was a problem. So in order to fix it, I opened up the pdf in photoshop. Flattened the image and transparencies. I then re-saved it as a pdf, sent that back to the Xerox Digital Press. Now the problem is fixed! Woo Hoo

I guess sometimes there is too much going on in a pdf and the xerox doesn't like it. So the best way to fix would be to flatten the document in photoshop. Welcome to prepress! Challenges everyday, everyday I learn something new!

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