Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lessons on Different Types of Spreads

Hey Y'all!

I have been extremely busy and haven't written since last week. Anyway I wanted to talk about Reader Spreads, Printer Spreads, Single Page Spreads, and the one receive on occasions the Idiot Spread....LOL!

I know some designers and people in the world do not learn much about spreads and how to prepare files for prepress departments. I know because I went to school to be a designer and didn't learn about those things until I worked in the real world. But if you get the rare opportunity to work on those Idiot Spreads, you will need a dummy or mock-up of the piece so you do not assume the pages are in reader or printer spreads. Otherwise you will end up with an Idiot proof...not good.

The first one is in reader spreads, 12 page book, this is usually how customers send the files in, which sometimes works if there is not alot of bleeds and crossovers. This is setup in indesign in the exact order of how you would read a book, page 1 is page 1. Most printers like these type setups that way they can save each individual page and use it in their own signatures or templates.
The next one is the best one to send to a prepress house or printer. It is called the Single page spread document. This works the fastest of all, make sure to include at least 1/8th of an inch bleed if you have it. This works best for the printers ripping programs and signatures.

The next one is printer spreads which is just to show how we may layout our signatures or templates. No one should ever send a printer a Printer Spread document unless they specifically ask for one. This type of layout without lasers or dummies can cause severe headache and is very time consuming....Seriously!

Now the worst one yet, the IDIOT SPREAD, I get one of these at least once or twice a year...of course that is a name I made up. I would normally call it the *&%$# @#%^ file. I am gonna be nice and not curse on here, plus if I did, I might would be fired. But these will cause, severe headache, stomach upsets, possible cursing with waving of the arms and hands. Can even cause neck ache, shoulder ache and back ache. LOL Never send this type to the printer... especially without a dummy. I promise you, your printer or prepress house do not have ESP and cannot read your mind.
But there will always be an idiot spread in the world of printing....LOL

Hope I educated you on spreads today! Have a great day!

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