Thursday, August 13, 2009

Importing Word Documents in Indesign

Hope everyone is doing well today!

Today I will show you how to import a word document into your indesign file for printing. First set your page up in Indesign. I am using 8.5 by 11 with 1/8th inch bleed all around. My document will have a blue page with bleed I will then draw a text box with the text box tool. As shown below:

Next press the Apple key/command key (same key) and D for importing the word document.
Then make sure the import options button is selected, you will then get a box like below: If you make sure the setting are as follows it will keep the format of the word document you import in.

Now I have selected all the words and changed to white. Ta Da, now all you have to do is tweak the text and it is a quick way to put word docs in the Indesign file without having to cut and past or re-type the entire document.

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