Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Quark and Duotones

Good Morning,

Today I would like to talk about the problems with changing a photo in quark to a pms color. I know if you are an avid quark user that is a great tool. You can take a grayscale photo in quark and make it whatever color you like...loved this myself. The problem is some printers may have to spend extra time on your files if they have to change grayscale images to duotones or monotones. You can save money by creating the duotones and monotones before sending files to the printer.

The reason for changing images to duotones and monotones is some ripping systems do not like images that are changed in quark to a color. The photos revert back to grayscale when ripped, especially Rampage. When I receive files like this I have to make them a duotone or monotone in photoshop.

Once you change you photo to a duotone or monotone in photoshop, update the link in quark, and save, then everything will work great. Then you don't run the risk of the image changing back to grayscale in rampage.

Check back soon, I will explain how to create a simple duotone and monotone in photoshop.

Thanks and have a great day! Nikki

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