Here is the definition of Imposition: Arrangement of pages on mechanicals or flats so they will appear in proper sequence after press sheets are folded and bound.
The reason I gave the definition is to let you know what it is that we do with your single page files. Clinton Press prefers single page layouts because we have to save and rip individual pages to Rampage, then Kathy my prepress expert imposes the pages to fit the way we print and fold and or stitch the job.
I have files sent in all the time in printer spreads and reader spreads. Also I get high resolution pdfs with crop marks, color bars, etc.
When you send in a file make sure it is set up in single pages in the document, also when you send in a pdf you will save time and money by including the bleed (1/8th of an inch .125") but please leave the crop marks and other stuff off.
I have to manually remove those before I rip it in rampage and give it to Kathy the Imposition and Proofing Specialist.
Hope this helps with the meaning of Imposition and why we ask for files in Single pages.
Thanks and Have a Great Weekend!