Monday, March 14, 2011

Variable Data

Did you know that we have the capabilities to do variable data (personalization) on envelopes, letters, brochures etc. All you have to do is send Clinton Press a database with your names and addresses of the customers you wish to personalize printed items with.

It is a great and wonderful marketing tool. We can do 4 color process envelope and put your different addresses on them and the letters to match. All you have to do is stuff the letters or have us stuff the letters and mail it out.

The variable data industry is a fast, personal way to reach your customers individually. How about maybe doing a few notepads with a person's name and phone on it. It could be done the exact same way with your database.

Variable is the new wave of the future when it comes to printing. So call us today and ask about variable data options. Have a great week!

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