Friday, September 3, 2010

Variable Data

Happy Friday!
Happy Labor Day Weekend also, I hope everyone has a safe one, wherever you may go! I learned something new this morning while working with my variable data program. As you know we have the capabilities to personalize your printed mail and other printed items at Clinton Press.

It really and truly is a wonderful thing to do and a lot of companies are going this route. Only one catch, you have to have a pretty accurate database from Excel to go with it and that is what makes the variable data work.

We ran into a problem trying to figure out how to triplicate names in an Excel Database. Well after one whole day of trying it wasn't working the way it should. (If any of you out there know how to make a name appear 3 times vertically please let me know it would be very helpful in the future). So Clint had the idea of making multiple pages in a document and so after thinking and trying I did just that.

Basically I copied the page into my pdf variable file 3 times. Then I copied and pasted the variable data blocks to each page. Wow, after composing the file it actually made 3 of the same names in a row over and over until it reached the end of the database. Thanks Clint for the idea, it worked! Sometimes 2 or 3 brains are better than 1! Yay!

You are probably wondering why we needed the file triplicated anyway, well we were running variable data on carbon copy collated sheets (pink, white, yellow). The sheets come collated in the color order and we needed to print the same information on pink, white, and yellow sheets.
That way it would stay collated and in the exact order that the customer sent in the database by department and alphabetically.

Contact us if you would be interested in doing some variable data printing, it really is an awesome thing! Have a great weekend!
Nikki McDonald

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