Every now and then I get a pdf file that may need something taken off of it. For example, crop marks, color bars or page information. Sometimes we may need to remove some text or an image from the pdf.
If I am lucky I receive a pdf that I can do that to. Here are step by step instructions of how to do this. Some pdfs will work this way and some do not. Just try it out to see if it works for you. It is actually a wonderful tool to have if you need to manipulate a pdf file.
First open your file in Adobe Acrobat Pro I use 9 most will work as long as it is pro versions. Next go to the Tools Tab at the top, scroll down to Advanced Editing and over to Touch up Object Tool. Next hold down the command, option, shift buttons and select the item you wish to remove from the pdf.
You will see a box around that item, now press the delete button, it should disappear from your pdf. This is a great option to use on pdfs for minor changes! Have a great week!
Nikki :-)