Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Make a Perfect Hi-res PDF from Quark

Good Morning my friends!

As promised, I will explain how to make the perfect high resolution pdf from quark.
Open your document in quark, next click the "FILE" tab at top, scroll down to "EXPORT", then to the right select "LAYOUT AS PDF". Ok, now decide where you want to save it, after that here are the settings:

Uncheck the Square box beside Spreads, make sure pages are set to ALL, next click the options tab: the first tab will be Layout info, skip this one, nothing you need to worry about here. Skip the Hyperlinks tab, go to the Job Options tab, check the Font Options boxes "Embed all fonts" and "Subset fonts below 35%".

Under the Compression Options: Make sure to set all tabs to NONE on the Compression tabs. Make sure to select keep resolution under all Resolution tabs. Make sure at the bottom to UNCHECK the compress text and Line Art box and UNCHECK the ASCII format box.

Next go to the "OUTPUT" tab under the color output section Type: Composite, under Print Colors: make sure to select As Is or CMYK, uncheck the produce blank pages unless you have blanks in the document. The use opi should be grayed out, under "REGISTRATION: select OFF tab, you do not want to include registrations in your file for the printers. Under BLEED select Symmetric and for the amount put "0.125" that is 1/8th of an inch bleed all the way around.

Next go to the "OPI" tab, and make sure to uncheck the OPI Active box, it will be grayed out. If this box is check and not grayed out, it will cause major problems when ripped and it will say images are missing. Then it will ask to go find them. A real pain.

So now you have a perfect PDF if your actual quark file it perfect! Have a great week! We have a new and exciting GREEN MACHINE, I will tell you about next week! ;-)

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