Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How to Use the Advanced Editing Tools in Acrobat Pro

Good Morning,

Today I want to tell you about a really cool tool you can use to edit pdfs sent in by customers that may have cropmarks on them. The tool is the advanced editing tools (TOUCH UP OBJECT TOOL) in Adobe Acrobat Pro. I love this tool.

I use the Advance Editing Tools all the time. I received tons of PDFs from clients with the cropmarks. I cannot use files with cropmarks, it just gets in the way of the finished product. So
next best thing would be to open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat.

Next go to TOOLS tab at the top, scroll down to Advanced Editing, then scroll over to Touch up Object Tool.

Next drag around the cropmarks or select the cropmarks individually.

Now press the DELETE button on your keyboard. TADAAAA now you have just deleted the cropmarks with no problems.

Next make sure to save the pdf again with a new name, that way you will have the original version of the file and the new version of the file that you edited without those annoying cropmarks.

Hope you enjoyed learning about the Touch up object tool in Acrobat Pro. Have a wonderful week!

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