The businesses that are geared toward an older generation or most of their client are the older generation do not really get anything out of Facebook. Take for example a business that sells hearing aids. Most people who may need a hearing aid are in the older retiree generation. Few are younger like my age or children.
I know that technology is the way to go these days, like scanning QR codes for deals and or coupons at a store on your smart phone. My mother in-law does not have an email or even know how to use the computer. She has never searched the web. She would be in the category of the retired generation. She looks for deals and ads in the Newspaper or mailers.
So just by the type of business you have should determine the market you want to reach out to. Let Clinton Press help with those marketing needs. We can create a marketing strategy to generate business to the different clients you may have.
Also Facebook has worked for us at Clinton Press. It really helps to generate business, especially with a promotion or also when we send out an email blast.
Have a great week!