Here is what it looks like:

QR codes have been used for years in Japan. I think they used it to track inventory on auto parts. So now we have this wonderful code that is 2 diminsional and can store tons of information. The neat thing about it is you can create it yourself for free. Just google QR code creator and there are lots of sites that let you create it for FREE. We love free.
Here are a few ways people are already using it now:
Stores or retails may have the QR code and when you scan with your cell phone you will receive a coupon right there on the spot.
Small businesses are putting it on there website or business cards. If you put it on the business card you can basically have someone scan it and you can put your contact information and the person who scans it can easily store your info in their phone. Or it can take you directly to their website. Pretty Awesome Hu?
You can use QR codes to take a shortcut to contact, product, coupons, offers, twitter, facebook, linkedin, event details, etc. The possibilities are unlimited. Check it out. What a great way for a small business to send detailed information with the blink of an eye about them!